Monday, January 30, 2017

10 days!



Well.. Here I am again. Well.. time is running out. Honestly I dont know how I feel about all this. Im not trying to deny that my time is up, im just trying to forget that my time is up. The prophets have taught that the best way to stop worring about oneself is to worry about others. When we worry about others, we have less time to worry about ourself. This past week was a very good week. We worked hard and helped many. Sacrifice brings blessings. My hands are blistered and swollen after we used a machete for hours cutting weeds in an investagators field. My legs are tired after i gave up my seat on a three hour bus ride so a single mother could sit down with her children. I wouldnt trade these experiences for anything. The mision is just the best. This is my last week as a misionary in Honduras. My last week among my people, the last week of strict obedience to very restraining mision rules, my last week to use all of my time and all of my effort to serve God. I guess we will be talking next week. Just take care, Dont worry, im ok.


Love yall

Elder High

2 weeks

Well... here I am again!


So.. I am starting my second to last week... que feo.. 


Well im still keeping on keeping strong. We are doing our best to activate less active members, and we have been seeing sucess. The branch has had a much higher asistence in these last 2 weeks. Like always, the work in campamento is slow, but it moves along. I really dont have a lot to say today. Trust me, in 2 weeks ill have a whole lot to say!! Just take care


Love you all, 


Elder High

Thursday, January 19, 2017

3 weeks


Como estamos?? Well so my week was about as normal as a normal week can be. We are still working hard. Even when its hard to work hard, we are working hard. There has been a drastic change in temperture. Last week was cold, well this week has been very hot. The sun has been shining very strong. Looks like ill be coming home as a burnt tomato hahaha. The branch president has been telling me that i need to by some bags of ice my last week, and that i need to make a scarf of ice to help me adjust to the cold hahaha no. 

So on tuesday we had a zone conference. The mision is taking as a slogan for this next year, A Change of Heart. President Ferman desires that we have a mighty change of heart, and that we then go and change the hearts of the Hondurans. I aprove the message. Other news, here in campamento there is a ton of kids who every night play soccer in the church. The majority are not members. We have been playing and teaching them in this past week. yesterday a few of the kids who arent members came to church. It was good.

Reflective moment. well we have an investagator named Ariel. He came to church last week and has been progressing a whole lot. His wife is a member. They just lack the marrige, and then right into the baptism water he goes. Wellllll... this past week a self inflicted wound was opend up to us. Ariel told us that he is in debt the equivilnce of 500 dollars to a bank for the use of a credit card. In Honduras, 500 dollars is a ton of money. They live poor as it is, and they cannot pay marrige fee until they pay the debt. I have learned a valuable leson about the monster that is debt. The debt that Ariel has literaly is impeding him from spiritually progresing. He can not make a baptismal covenant untill he is married, and he can not be married untill he is out of debt. He is having to make some heavy sacrifices to free himself. He is enroled as a military reserve, and as a reserve he has his milatary fund. Well he has 300 dolars in his fund. He is having to use all his funds to cover the debt. If he would leave his funds in his acount, it would grow trememdously in 5 10 years. He is sacrificing a nice pillow in the future to save his debt. He also has a motercycle that is his only way of transportacion. He has to sell his motorcycle to make up for that missing part. I feel like un needed debt is a terrible thing. I feel like I need to do all I can do to avoid debt, because I have seen firsthand how debt affect one temporaly, emotionaly, and spiritualy.

Well the work continues..

3 Weeks..

Love ya

Elder High

Monday, January 9, 2017

1 month left!!

Sup Fam! 

 Well, I feel cold. This past week a so called cold front has passed over Central America.. and needless to say im cold..... problem being... the coldest it has gotten is down to 60.... How am I supposed to survive in Idaho.... hahaha

 Other news, things are going great here in Campamento. Yesterday we witnessed a bunch of miracles. First miracle, we have been working with a part member family for a while now. The wife Dania is a member but her husband Ariel isnt. For the past 6 weeks they have been telling us that they are going to come to church on sunday, but never have shown up. Well yesterday they came to church!! Ariel realy enjoyed the meeting and showed alot of interest. Second miracle, Yesterday 50 members showed up to church. Never in my time here in campamento have I seen 50 member in Sacrement meeting. It was great. Three less active families that we have been working with showed up. Third miracle, Yesterday a member who recently became active was called to be our mision leader. Again I have never had a mision leader here in Campamento. Foruth miracle, on tuesday we will have branch council. Again, there has never been branch council in Campamento. Things finaly are turning around. We are starting to build the foundations here. Its a long and slow process, but things are going in an upward direction. 

 Well I guess its one week more and one week less. Its hard to believe that i just have one month left. Im doing my best to take advantage of the time i still have. I love yall.


Elder High

Monday, January 2, 2017

Happy New Year


Welll Happy New Year!! I can hardly believe that 2016 has come to an end. It was an incredible year. The past has shaped me, but the future will make me even better than who I am now. There is hope in the future. It may be unknown, but what is known is hope. A new year brings new experiences, and new opportunities to learn and to improve. The next year will be a good year.

Well so here in Honduras, New Years is very important. In many ways it is simbolic for the people. On the 31st the majority of people buy new clothes for the new year, make new years resolucions, and cook more tamales.. haha. At midnight, there is fireworks, but more the cheap extremely dangerous chinese fireworks haha. Oh.. gotta love honduras.

Well the work continues. Yesterday I had to direct sacrement meeting because the branch president didnt show up. We are working hard here, but there is alot of resistance to the work, but it is progresing slowly. On saturday we hope to organize home teaching. We have a lot of ideas, and we just hope everything goes to plan. The work continues.

Love yall

Elder High

Merry Christmas

Well, dont have a whole lot to say today. But I do have some photos. I hope you all have a happy new year!!

Love yall

Elder High

Bradin and his companion attempted to make rice krispy treats for the members. 

December 19th

Feliz Navidad

  Well Christmas is in the air. Its hard to believe that another christmas is nearing. The town is preparing their christmas tamales and their christmas partys. In latin america, Christmas is celebrated differently. There is less gift giving and more partiying. There is less time spent with families and more time spent with friends. I do kind of miss Christmas in the states, but there is always good and bad in every culture. The good is the tradicional food. There is some delicios food here in the christmas season. When i come home ill have to cook for you guys.
Well we are still preparing for christmas here. We have been watching the christmas videos that the church has put out with everyone. The work is still going good. Honestly I dont have a lot to say, just enjoy the 24th and Christmas. We will be talking on sunday! Love yall

Elder High

From mom: This one is my favorite - She is cooking in a hut on a stone, but still has a cell phone.

Re. the purple stuff: Its called Malanga, its similar to a tradicional food here called Yucca. Not gonna lie, its gross...haha

December 12th

Waz Up!!!!

Well, Campamento is moving along moving along. Things are going pretty good here. We are in the mindset of Christmas here in Campamento, focusing in on the CHRIST part of christmas. In the past few years the church has put out some really great christmas videos. We have been taking those videos to everyone here in Campamento. We also have been asking everyone what gift they would like to give to their king Jesus Christ. People here really like Christmas, but here they christmas is all about partying and not so much about spending time with family or about making time for christ. I feel like we have helped various people to understand the real meaning of Christmas. The first christmas gift was a gift from a loving father. A gift from a Heavenly father. The first christmas gift was a gift for every living soul. A gift to everyone. The first christmas gift was the gift of Christ the Lord. Christms is a special time of the year, and especially as a misionary. I get to testify every day that God sent his only begotton son to the world more than 2000 years ago. Its an honor to do this task. 

Well also i guess im suposed to be taking part in the light the world campaign. Honestly it is a realy great campaing that the church has put together. The church is true haha! Well so this week we are going to keep doing the same. Im gonna keep on testifying of Christ.

Love yall

Elder High

There was a rainbow around the moon the other day... weird...

December 5th

Feliz Casi Navidad!
Happy Birthday Mom!!!!!!!!!
Happy Late Birthday Dad!!!!!!!

Well, we are keeping on keeping strong. Me and Elder Giraldo are working hard. We have had actually a very good week. The first cut of Coffee beans ended this last week and the second cut doesnt start till after Christmas. Many are just waiting in their houses untill the second cut. This little town is a little bit more lively, but just a little bit.. haha. This past week the town has been preparing for chirstmas. I dont know if it is a honduran tradition or just a campamento tradition, but in the first week of December, everyone paints their house a diferent color. This town has just been painted and is looking sharp. Also the town park is lit with humble christmas lights. Its a beautiful sight. Maybe not as beautiful as temple square, but it has its own little charm. Ill send you a picture of the park next week.

Well so the work wise, its going. There is a few problems that we have encountered that have opened my eyes. On sunday, only 18 members came to church. One of the lowest asistences that the branch has had all year. Well the reason being is on saturday there was a party in the park. On sunday morning it was raining. These two factors motivated the majority of members not to go to church. Its sad but many members are ¨living in the moment.¨ Sunday morning comes around and if someone doesnt have in thier head that they are going to church, they dont go. There always has been and always will be opposicion in all things. Actually there are only two things that God can not control, 1. Our free agency, our right to chose. 2. Opposicion. We have a lot of work to do with the members to help them understand that whatever happens, there is ALWAYS a way to obey God. I have been meditating in how often I give in when i am faced with opposicion. How weak I AM. The hope of everything is that we always have second chances and for that I am greatful. We are going to go and teach the members to take advantage of the second chances that God will give the to obey him. Well Above all, The Church is True. haha

Love yall

Elder High