Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Oh happy day!

Muy buenos día familia!

Its a happy day indeed! There is no other way to describe this last week that I had in any other words than incredible. This has been one incredibly crazy, incredibly stressfull, flat out incredibly amazing week. So much has happened in this week in so little time. My and my companion had the great privildge of helping a Family Acosta get married, and get baptised. I have spent a good chunk of my time this week going from office to office in the city taking out papers, working with government, and the family to have a wedding in the church this week. Typically the proccess to marry someone in pretty simple, but this family wanted to be married in one week, which made things a little difficult. Difficult, but not impossible. I have used help from almost every member in the ward this week, the help from countless missionaries who have connections with the government, and alot of help from Family Garcia. Ive never married anyone before, and definatly not in this country. I felt at the beging of the week, that this was a task imposible to do in the time span that I had. Other missionaries said it was impossible to marry anyone in one week in this country, but we were all wrong. We had a beautifull wedding, and a beautifull baptism this past saturday. 

As I said, I felt like this was an impossible task to take on. I felt at many times in the week that we were stuck at a standstill with the government, and we were going to have to wait 4 or 5 weeks like every other family waiting to be married. I spent countless houres in prayer this week, calling upon the support of the lord to help push things through. I have never felt so stressed in my life, but somehow, someway, things worked out great. I have never felt so happy in my life before. I learned countless lessons this week from this expierience. I learnt, the importance of using those who know more than me, have more connections than me, and who can help more than me. I really learned the importance of patience, and relying upon the lord. Among other things, I really felt love for this family, and more than anything, I am extremly greatefull for the opportuninty I had to help them become worthy for baptism. Not alot other that that has really happened this week, but yes, things have been happining this week!! The church is true, yall already know that, but just dont forget it!
Su Hijo 

Elder High
Pictures from the baptism!

This is from the wedding, they are signing the papers to verify that they are married!

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