Monday, August 17, 2015

Am I really in 6 months?? Holy cow...

Wow, so another week down. Im not going to lie, this week has been stresfull, but has been really really good. We have incredible investagators who are progressing faster than we were expecting. We have investagators who have been doing all that we ask them to do plus more. Weve been baptizing and confirming. I have never felt so busy in my life, but the work has never been so rewarding before. 

We had one investagator named Gladys. We started teaching gladys about six weeks ago when I was with Elder Huanca. She was an old investagator that we got referenced to from the other Elders in our area. The other Elders felt like she was impossible to work with and that she had too many problems. Me and Elder Huanca were ambitios and we took her on. The first day we found out that she had problems with drinking, and with smoking. That was the problem with her. She is really positive, and really accepting, but she felt like she couldnt stop her problems. For about a week we tried all sorts of different things to hlp her quit, but she had addictions, and nothing was working. This was tough, and we thought about dropping her. For some reason, we didnt drop her, and we just kept going with her. She would come to church, but she still had her addictions. We felt hopeless. Then one day, we just started to testify firmly. We testified of blessings that she will recieve, we testified unwaivering. I do not know, and I can not explain what happened, but she just said, alright, Ill stop, and she did... She hasnt smoked in 4 weeks, and she hasnt drank in 4 weeks. Best of all, I had the privledge to baptize her on saturday night. 

Again, I can not explain the ways of the lord. I can not explain the power that he has. People can change. When people feel the spirit, people change. There is no other way to explain this experience in any other words. People can change. Really thats all I have time for today, but the work is incredible. Love yall with all of my heart. 

Elder High

Illnesses- So, yeah, my second week here in Honduras I had Chickengunya, which wasnt too fun, but I made it through it. Im still going so dont worry .

Books-  All right, so about the books. Whatever church books you can find would be awesome. I do not know if it if possible to load up the big history of the church books, Articles of Faith, The Joseph Smith Papers. Really an book is better than anything, but alot of the more real indepth stuff, orthe bigger more profund books would be really be great. Like I said before, I love Jesus the Christ because its a little more profund, and a little bit bigger. For the languege, English is awesome. I can speak Spanish fluently and smothly, but I have a verry small vocabulary right now, so for any type of reading formore in depth stuff, english is a lot better. 

So this picture is from the baptism of Gladys
This is my zone leader from a service project that we had

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