Friday, June 26, 2015

Week 13

Week 13 here in Honduras!


So there is alot I could talk about today. I could talk about how today is my last day here in Monterrey, this is my last day of training, or how things are going to be super differnt tomorrow. So I got a very sad and disapointing phone call from my Zone leader about 30 minuets ago. This area that i have been working so hard to revive, is closing tomorrow. In the mission, 8 areas are closing, because alot of missionaries are leaving and few are coming. President decided that this area is one of the areas that is closing. When i got here, there was literally nothing going. We had one, maybe two positive investagators, and really nothing more. Right now, after twelve weeks, we have more than 15, and we have lined up 5 baptismis in the next 4 weeks. An area that once was dead is now thriving, but it is getting shut down tomorrow. We are going to do all we can today to have the ward take over where we are leaving off. My heart realy aches becuase there is alot of unfinished buisness here. More than ever i am coming to realize the importance of change. Change is part of life. I as a represenative of Christ, ask people every day to change. When changes occur, we learn more than ever before. I guess in a way I am excited for the change, becuase I am ready to learn more and more, but at the same time, its difficult to accept the change. Oh well, I  will just keep presing forward, helping everyone I come in contact with.


So this week was not only my birthday, but was my companions...on the same day. Crazy right! Anyways, on Friday, one member invited us over to eat essentially Hondurian tacos. As we were walking to his house, we meet this girl named Tharin, who was walking in the same dirrection as us. We talked and walked for a good 15 minuets, and then we realized that we were actually going to the same place. The member that we were going to, was a good friend of Tharin, and essentailly she felt a need to visit him. This was prety neat. At the house of Carlos(the member), we did alot more teaching and talking, than eating. She said that she felt like she needed our message in her life in that moment. She felt the spirit strong, and she really had a desire to change her ways. We felt prompted to invite her to be baptized, and she accepted. An unexpected, but a pretty neat expierience. I have expieriences like this every day. Its the little things like that, that is a testimony to me that God is in the details and his hand is in this work. I have mountains of expieriences already, but I do not have any time to explain them all to you. Quizás en un otro día yo pudo compartir mi experiencias con ustedes. 


Love ya all muchisimo

Elder High

Birthday- Really, it was just another day. We worked liked normal, and really didnt think to much that it was our birthdays.

 Independence day in Honduras- Yeah, there is no 4th of july celebrations here, but the independance day here is the 15 of september. I guess its a pretty big deal here.

Shops- Here in my zone right now, there is really nothing, but tomorrow, i dont know

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