Tuesday, August 23, 2016

A funny lesson

So, I dont know how, but another 6 weeks has passed. Not only that, but 18 months has passed. Tomorrow is changes, and i aint going anywhere. I am perfectly content where im at and whom im with. I will get another 6 weeks here in santa fe. In other words, Im all good. So this week has been a very interesting week. For a few months now we have been planing something called a Noche Blanca, or Night of White. Essentially, the plan was that every companionship of misionaries in the stake would have a baptism, and were would baptize everyone all on the same night. Everyone would be dressed in baptism cloths, white clothes, for the baptisms. In theory, great idea, in reality, kinda worked haha. So a week ago, we had more than 22 baptisms planed for this saturday. Due to certain problems, we had 12 baptisms. Unfortunatly, not every companionship had baptisms, but honestly, the majority did. Me and Elder Martinez had the baptism of Samuel Aplicano. Samuel is great. Hes 12 years old, and almost all his family is members. Hes just a good kid haha. This past week we have sacrificed alot of time to plan and organize the baptisms. We had to give various interveiws, various meeting with stake leaders, various everything. We really didnt have a whole lot of time to do normal misionary work, but yet the lord provides. When all was said and done, we had a baptism, so no complaints. Other crazy things, as I mentioned, we have been really ocupied doing other things than normall misionary work. We were really worried yesterday that no investagator was going to show up to church, because we honestly didnt teach or visit much investagators. The lord provides and 6 investagators showed up out of nowhere. Through sacrifice comes blessings.
So also sometimes crazy things happen. So yesterday  showed up to church an investagator named Angel. We have been teaching this guy for a few weeks. The only thing is that this guy is super odd, like weirdo. Hes in his 40s, lives with his wife, 2 daughters, and his two cats. I can not explain why, but everytime we teach this guy, something has to happen. He belives in everything that has do with christianity, like most honduras, but he is just a lilttle confused with his beliefs. For example, this last week we tried teaching him about prayer, something super simple for almost anyone that believes in Christ and the Blible. We taught him how to pray, and everything was just great, but.. then he was like, "I dont like the idea of praying. I dont like having to rely and depend on God. I think God wants us to be independent. Look, America is the most powerfull country because it is the most independent." We were like dude, its not like that...  Angel is just like that, just a little lost with his beliefs. Well yesterday after church we wanted to visit him. he told us to come by at 5, but we showed up a little early at 4. We knocked his door, and he let us in, and sitting on his couch was a jehovas witness, cool. The witness finished quicly and left, actully this guy was pretty chill. So we start to teach Angel, we sing a hymn, pray, and then he says he has a question. ok. He said that he heard in church about a war between the Nephites and the Lamanites, and he wanted to know what was that. The most random thing.. We were trying to explain the whole story behind the book of mormon, and then someone knocked on his door. Angel let him the guy in, and it was another freaking jehovas witness.. hahaha, but this guy wasnt as chill as the other, the secund witness was some old crazy man.. THis freaking man tried for an hour in front of our investagator to prove us wrong, and he couldnt do it.. We got talking about the spirit world, and the witness just got furios that we would believe that. The craziest thing is that he tried to respond to our doctrine by teaching what happens to dogs when they die.. He was so lost. Angel was so lost. And the worst part is that for an hour straight, in the same freaking room was Angels daughter in the corner making out haha It was literally the oddest lession that i have ever had in my mission. Sometimes the mission just gives you lemons when you dont want nor expect to get lemons. hahaha. The mision sometimes.. 
So, hopelly you all get the vibe, that im dong great, becausse im doing great. 
Love yall
Elder High

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