Sunday, September 25, 2016

A Week of Service

Poocha, this week was crazy. Honestaly, not alot happened, but yet so much happened. So this week was the big festive week in honduras. This past thursday was independance day, and everyone had the week off. Literally everyone took off to celebrate. Our area was left pretty empty. Having everyone gone, we had to find something to do... so we did a lot of service haha. I mean a lot a lot of service. Literally everyday we were doing something. We painted houses, helped people move, helped peole cook, cleaned a television graveyard, cut weeds with a machete, made a mask for some kid, just a little bit of everything.. hahaha. Yeah, i have a few videos and photos. Other than that, the work continues. We are hoping that everything continues to go smoth like it is right now. Honestly, i feel great!. I get along really well with Elder Martinez, and the zone that we have right now is very unified. We have the ward working with us, and all is well in zion.
I just want to let you know about one other experience that i had this past week. So on Saturday, we had to help out the stake and go and visit less actives in a ward of the stake. I had no problem, because we were asigned to visit Laureles, my old area.. We showed up and in the church were alot of members that helped me out alot when i served in Laureles. It was really really incredible to see those that I have served with before. Were were asigned to visit a few members, and one of the families that we were assigend to visit, was the Familia Garcia. I helped the Familia Garcia get married and get baptized when i was there with Elder Espinoza. To just be in their house again almost made me cry. This family is so good. They are working to get sealed in the temple soon. Really great experience. It was a little weird having to tell various people that i went to visit that ill stop by in just 5 months bejore i go home. Gosh, the mission goes by so fast. More than i year ago I was in laureles. Just this expierience made my reflect about my mision. The mision is an incredible expierience. The church is true.
Love yall
Elder High
Can you find the temple?
A few videos
The door to nowhere
The television graveyard
Cutting weeds with a machete

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

138 days

En aquel tiempo se acercaron los discípulos a Jesús, diciendo: ¿Quién es el mayor en el reino de los cielos? Y llamando Jesús a un niño, lo puso en medio de ellos,y dijo: De cierto os digo que si no os volvéis y os hacéis como niños, no entraréis en el reino de los cielos. Así que, cualquiera que se humille como este niño, ese es el mayor en el reino de los cielos.Y cualquiera que reciba en mi nombre a un niño como este, a mí me recibe.   Mateo 18:1-5

So, A lot has happened in this past week. We have been working with the kids and this week, 7 of them decided to get baptized. Herson, Henry, Josi, Astrid, Nahomi, Adan, and Luis. Honestly, it was super crazy. We had to run around making sure that all of them were good to be baptized, have the interviews with them, and plan the baptism service. On top of all that, we have been having to work alongside Presidente Ferman with this project. Baptizing 7 kids without baptizing their parents normally doesnt fly, but these kids have a diferent circumstance. Presidente has called this project excepcional. Also we have had to work alongside the ward which really doesnt help much. much to our suprise, the ward was all willing to help us. Everything turned out miraculously. We help the baptism on thursday at 2 in the afternoon, the only time that all the kids could be together. We were honestly expecting no one to come and support the baptisms, but more than 50 people showed up. I have never in my mision seen so many people in a baptism service. Ill send a Pic. And then the baptisms were incredible. Honestly it has just been one giant miracle these kids. If you could only see the faces in person, and hear the voices and laughter of these kids, itd bring you to tears. Yeah, it was a good week.

But, the work goes on. We still have more projects to do. There are so many people to help here. We are going to keep going forward. 

Love Yall

Elder High
Also, This was my sunday dinner yesterday! Fried fish fried in a bat a lard. Almost fair quality hahaha Also a better picture of the baptisms to see the faces of the kids
Also, not to freak you out or anything, just something that freaks me out is... suposivly, everyone has been telling me that my release date will be the 7th of Febuary....  Tomorrow, i will only have 138 days left of my mision. Me and my companion leave the same day, so starting tomorrow, we are going to read together every day, one chapter in Doctrine and Covenants. When we finish the book, we finish the mision... I cant believe how fast this time has gone.. 

Friday, September 2, 2016

Teaching the children

Dejad a los niños venir a  y no se lo impidáis, porque de los tales es el reino de Dios. 
Entonces.. This was a super crazy week. So much has happened this week. So like I said last week, I am still in Santa Fe and still with Elder Martinez. This past week was the week of changes, and me and my companion were in charge of making sure that everyone left and made it into the zone okay. There is 6 companionships in Zona Country, and every companionship other than us had changes. It was a little crazy, but everything turned out great.
So on tuesday, we decided to stop by and visit a member that is super pilas ( Awesome). We visitied the Family Cardoza. The wife is a shcool teacher of a goverment high poverty level shool. When we visited her, she explained to us the curcumstances of many of her students. Many of her students come from broken familes, drunk fathers, single mothers without work, all sorts of problems. She explained to us that these kids need all the help that they can get. Honestly, I was heartbroken. Sister Cardoza explained to us that she wants to intergrate her school class into the church. The church is a safehaven for kids like these. These kids more than anyone need the support and help that comes from the church and from the gospel of Christ. I couldnt help but think in the words of Elder Anderson this week. 
  "Children today find themselves in many differentand complex family configurations. We need tor each out to those who feel alone, left behind, oroutside the fence. These young Latter-day Saints enter the Church with great faith. They hope to create the family ideal in their own lives at a future day. In time, they becomean important part of our missionary force, our righteous young adults, and those who kneel at an altar to begin their own families"

We essentially dedicated our time to finding these kids, teaching these kids, inviting these kids to come unto christ. It was a humbling expeiernce. Sister cardoza gave us a list of 26 kids, and one by one we found them. We found one kid named Sheila. Shelia let us talk to her mother, and her mother cried when she told us that she is trying to do all that she can to take care of her three daughters. She cried when she explained that she lost her husband three years ago, and there has been no income in the household sine. She lovingly accepted our invitacion to church. Another kid is named Naomi. Naomi lives with her grandmother and her 3 sisters in a one room shack. Her parents left her and her sisters, and her grandmother was forced into taking care of them. The grandmother is old, but full of faith. Me my companion, a member that lives nearby, the grandmother, and the 3 little girls crammed ourselfes into the shack, and i know that together we witnessed the spirit. the two young girls older than 8 accepted to prepare for baptism. We found a kid named Steven. Steven led us to his mother, who very suprisingly acceped us. Steven also lives in a one room shack with his brother and sister. They also lovingly accepted that we could come back to share the gosple with them. 
On sunday, 10 of these little ones came to church with Sister Cardoza.more than 20 came to church on wednesday to play soccer with us. This gospel brings so much joy to these kids. These kids have no where else to turn. These kids are blessed with believing hearts. The church is so true. The gospel helps the needy, the poor in spirit, the desiring heart. Im going to atach a photo of the kids so you all can see them.
Love you all
Elder High
also read this talk 
"Whoso Receiveth Them, Receiveth Me” By Elder Neil L. Andersen Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles