Tuesday, September 29, 2015

2 conferences down, 2 to go

Ola Ola Familia!


So yup, Im still a missionary. Haha This week has flown by, It is crazy to me that at the end of this week we have conference again. My verry first weekend in this country, was the weekend of conference in april. This conference will mark 2 in the field. Me and my companion are way excited for this weekend, and for the opportunity that we have to bring our investagators to conference. It is one of the best opportunitys that we are going to have to help our investagators know that this church is true. We have been teaching everyone about the importance of prophets, and that we have a living prophet, and on saturday and sunday, our investagators can know that what we teach is true, and that there really is a living prophet who speaks for our day, and guides us. It is a grand opportunity that we have.


Other news this week, not alot. The work is still going like the work always goes, Great! We are working with all sorts of really intersting people with all sorts of interesting problems. We are working with a man who smokes 15 cigarettes a day, a man who is 85 years old, and cant walk, a women who recently had her son killed, and alot of other people with all sorts of interesting situations. That is one thing ive come to love. Everyone has different circumstances, everyone is different, and everyone has different problems. It is so fun for me to get to know so many different people with so many different problems, and then find solutions to their problems. One thing that ive learned, is that there is a solution to everyone. The solution isnt always easy, or obvious, but there is always always a solution. For the man who smokes 15 cigarettes every day, the soloution is to support him, give him confidence in himself, and substitute the bad with the good. For the man who is 85 years old, we made really good friends with a taxi driver, and this taxi driver accepted to visit this old man every sunday to drive him to church. For the woman whos son recently got killed, the wonderfull news that we carry that life carries on after the death is enough to soothe the aching heart. Everyone is a son or daughter of God, and there is a solution to everyones problems, everyones challenges, and everyones doubts. This I can testify of, because I am a living witness of this. The church is true, and please, go to conference this week hahaha


Elder High

Monday, September 21, 2015

A proposal

Okay, Muy bueno día familia!!

Yup, Im still here in Honduras doing what I do. This week has been another good week. Ive had a few neat expieriences and opportunities this week that were pretty great. So right now, our work is better than ever before. We have about 10 investagators that have gone to church this last week or 2 weeks ago. We have some real great investagators who are really doing that, investagating the church. Weve had a good opportunity to help those less actives work their way back to the path, and numerous are back on the path. Weve also had great opportunities to help those that we have baptized. We have helped them have friends in the church, weve made them feel important, and weve been to this day visiting them still and showing them that thay are important to us. I have felt better knowing that I have helped over 8 people in this ward enter the waters of baptism, and that they are still coming to church and doing all those things that they should be doing. I dont know if its right to say im proud of them, but its true, I have the best converts. My converts are literally the best. Other than that, theres been some interestingly funny expieriences that weve had this week


So I want to relate an expierience of a man named Otto. Otto was baptized about 3 months ago, so hes been kinda new to the system, but hes known about the church all his life. Because hes a new convert, me and my companion visit him various times in the week. Hes one of our best friends here. One night we were just walking down the street, knocking doors, looking for people to teach, and we ran into Otto. he was walking down the street with a girl who he said was a friend. We walked and talked, and then I asked him, "so whos your friend". Otto didnt hold back and straight up said, "yeah, shes my chastity sin." I chuckeled a little and said "oh really, thats great Otto.. at least you know its a sin." We talked a little more about really what is the law of chastity, and he understood perfectly, and I told him he should really think about getting married to get out of sin, and he really thought about it. Then next day we visited him and his family. We were just talking with his mom and his sister and Otto, and out of nowhere, Otto said, "Mom, I have something to tell you, Im getting married." Me, my companion, his mother and his sister all at about the same time just went, "What are you doing!?" Out of the blue, he announced that he wanted to marry his girlfriend. This was one of the craziest things ive seen on my mission. He called her up, as we were still there, and told her to come over for a brief moment. She came over, and we just talked, and ate some tacos together. Then out of nowhere, Otto got down on his knee and proposed to her. I could not believe what was happening, the mom was yelling at me to get my camerea to take pictures for rememberance, because she couldnt belive her eyes. It was freaking great. Otto out of nowhere proposed, and she said yes, and now we are going to marry the hopefully next month. Also, Otto took the girlfriend to church on sunday, and after their married, shes getting baptized. It was a crazy experience that came out of nowhere, but God works miracles. Its cool stuff. Theres so much more I want to say, but thats All I got time for today. Love yall con todo mi corazon.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Time sure flies...

Ola ola

Yup. another week here in Honduras. Work is going great like always. Im still here doing what I do, missionary stuff and all that. Its been crazy how fast time has gone. This week has been so fast, This past change has been so fast. Tommorrow is changes again, which is soo crazy. This past 6 weeks has flown by. I highly doubt ill have changes because I am in the middle of training, but thats fine with me because I love my area. 

Weve spent alot of time contacting this week and finding new investagators to teach, and weve been very sucessfull. We found all sorts of people, and we ended the week by bringing multiple investagators to church for the first time. Weve been working hard and have been putting in good work. My companion is starting to get the language little by little, which means hes starting to contribute and is starting to put in a good effort in lessons, and things are going excellent. Im really without a complaint in the world right now. Im not full of crazy expieriences this week, but I dont need crazy expieriences to have a good week. I am just going to keep trucking along, and ill keep doing what im doing. Ill do ill I can to keep moving foreward, and not back. What ive learned is the best way to move forward, is by looking up, and the best way to move back is to look down. Take it and interpretit as you will, but thats just one of the many things that ive learned so far. Im sure ill have another productive wonderfull week this week too.


Things like always are going great, this is my report.


Elder High

Monday, September 7, 2015

The Week of the Storm

Hey Fam!

So this week was the week of the Storm. This past week there was a little rain storm that destroyed the city. This city was not built to withstand a storm, of any magnitude. On wednesday, it was a little cloudy, and just a little breezy,(theres hardly ever wind here) and I was lovin it, for once it was a little cool. Then in the afternoon, the wind picked up, and it really started to blow. For about 30 seconds, I felt the strongest wind Ive ever felt before. We were knocking doors in one of the more popular streets at the moment. In these 30 seconds of wind, houses just got wrecked. All of the houses here have thin tin roofs, that often times arent nailed to the upper beams. Almost every house was deroofed. Me and my companion nearly got nailed by multiple flying tin roofs floating around in the sky. After the wind, came the rain, and it rained hard. It was absolutely pouring, and almost no one had roofs, it was a rough week for a lot of people. We spent the rest of the day helping people put their roofs back on during the pouring rain. It was really sad to see, because people dont have much here, and after this week, everything that people had just got soaked. Luckily our house was built decently, and we didnt lose one single sheet of tin. The aftermath of this storm is still affecting us and everyone else. This storm knocked down almost every power line in the city, so weve been without lights for the good part of the week. 
That was the effect of a natural, physical storm. This week, we have also been dealing with internal storms also. As i said, our house is great, but we are being kicked out... The owner of the house is having problems with her husband, and she decided it would be best if she moved into our house. This has really kinda thrown a wrench in the work. Weve spent a good portion of our time this week looking for a new house to move into. Also without lights, we have to enter our haouse at 6 pm before it gets dark. Our days have been shortened sigificantly. This has made this week very hard. We have essentially baptized everyone that weve been teaching, and we really have had no one to teach. Whenever weve had time to get some work in, weve been doing all that we can to bring investigators into our teaching pool. Weve met some great people, but with the lack of time, its been real difficult to plan for lessons further on. Its been storming in all sorts of different ways this week.

With every storm, there is a brighter future. After every storm comes the sun. After every storm comes beautiful rainbows. Storms test our patience, test our strength, and test our willpower. It is difficult to accept storms, and no one wants to live in storms, but those who live through the most storms are typically the strongest. From every storm, theres something to learn, to make our next experience with our next storm better. There will always be storms, but there will always be bright sunny days too. Im living through a storm right now, but I know in the future, we will find someone to teach, we will find a house to live in eventually, and the lights will come back on. When the storm settles down, we are going to have to do some rebuilding, put our roof back on the work, but then we will be stronger, and happier than ever before. I testify that God is watching down upon us, and upon the work. Hes thrown storms at us to test us and help us grow. You know, storms really aren't that bad of a thing.


Con Amor como siempre

Elder High

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Oh happy day!

Muy buenos día familia!

Its a happy day indeed! There is no other way to describe this last week that I had in any other words than incredible. This has been one incredibly crazy, incredibly stressfull, flat out incredibly amazing week. So much has happened in this week in so little time. My and my companion had the great privildge of helping a Family Acosta get married, and get baptised. I have spent a good chunk of my time this week going from office to office in the city taking out papers, working with government, and the family to have a wedding in the church this week. Typically the proccess to marry someone in pretty simple, but this family wanted to be married in one week, which made things a little difficult. Difficult, but not impossible. I have used help from almost every member in the ward this week, the help from countless missionaries who have connections with the government, and alot of help from Family Garcia. Ive never married anyone before, and definatly not in this country. I felt at the beging of the week, that this was a task imposible to do in the time span that I had. Other missionaries said it was impossible to marry anyone in one week in this country, but we were all wrong. We had a beautifull wedding, and a beautifull baptism this past saturday. 

As I said, I felt like this was an impossible task to take on. I felt at many times in the week that we were stuck at a standstill with the government, and we were going to have to wait 4 or 5 weeks like every other family waiting to be married. I spent countless houres in prayer this week, calling upon the support of the lord to help push things through. I have never felt so stressed in my life, but somehow, someway, things worked out great. I have never felt so happy in my life before. I learned countless lessons this week from this expierience. I learnt, the importance of using those who know more than me, have more connections than me, and who can help more than me. I really learned the importance of patience, and relying upon the lord. Among other things, I really felt love for this family, and more than anything, I am extremly greatefull for the opportuninty I had to help them become worthy for baptism. Not alot other that that has really happened this week, but yes, things have been happining this week!! The church is true, yall already know that, but just dont forget it!
Su Hijo 

Elder High
Pictures from the baptism!

This is from the wedding, they are signing the papers to verify that they are married!